1 | 可用于耕种的土地愈见稀少,再生水资源正日益枯竭。 | there is little extra farmland and renewable water is running short. | |
2 | 另外,Ksplice可以影响数据结构,只是需要多做一点儿编程工作。 | Additionally, Ksplice can affect data structures, albeit with a little extra programming. | |
3 | 美国采取的制裁措施已经实施了一段时间,但并没有收到很好的效果。 | But given America’s existing sanctions, which have been in place for some time, even the economic superpower has little extra leverage. | |
4 | 那些挣了点小费就不知自爱的服务员,他每每迫不得已,只好把他们辞退。 | He was constantly being forced to discharge boys who, because they made a little extra money, didn’t know how to conduct themselves. | |
5 | 你挤那个球,就能在管子中创造出真空的环境,让更多的血液进入阴茎。 | You squeeze the bulb, which evacuates air from the tube, drawing a little extra blood into the penis. | |
6 | 你能找到一小小的额外礼物来赠送吗?在此,我们提出一些组织,你也许会给它们提供帮助。 | Can YOU find a little extra to give? On this page we suggest a few organizations you might like to help. | |
7 | 你肉肉的样子挺好的 | c. A little extra weight looks good on you. | |
8 | 你应该与你信任的人一起坐下来,制定预算,以节约开支、存些余钱。 | You should sit down with someone you trust and work out a budget that will enable you to save a little extra . | |
9 | 你又发现哪些可以赚上一点的工作了呢? | What types of work have you found to generate a little extra cash? | |
10 | 跑前做一点小准备,就能帮助你即使在夜间也能尽情地奔跑、安全地运动,并保持锻炼计划的顺利实行。 | A little extra preparation can help you run at night, stay safe, and keep up with your training goals. | |
11 | 人们在最需要他们的地方工作,那么他们自己和公司的额外开支或负担就应尽可能减少。 | People should be able to work where they are needed most, with as little extra cost or burden to them and their employers as possible. | |
12 | 如果你是一个素食主义者你就需要在饮食的平衡上格外留心。 | However, eating a balanced diet when you are vegetarian usually requires a little extra attention. | |
13 | 如果你愿意多花时间,你会收获很多。 | You can accomplish a lot if you’re willing to put in a little extra time. | |
14 | 如果这扇漂亮的窗户能为这个古老的地方增添色彩,我将为此感到高兴。 | Should this beautiful window cause just a little extra colour to shine down upon this ancient place, I should gladly settle for that. | |
15 | 私人投资商也正在参与新徳里和孟买老机场的建设,但是在2010年之前,这些老机场的运载能力不会有任何提高。 | Private investors are developing old ones in Delhi and Mumbai, but these will have little extra capacity until 2010. | |
16 | 它们会花费你的一点额外的时间去准备和敷用但是这些疗法值得时间和精力。 | They may take a little extra time to prepare and apply but these remedies are worth the time and effort. | |
17 | 倘若正缺钱花或者有需要去挣一些外快,他们就会接紧急的工作。 | If they are short of cash or needing to earn a little extra , they will accept last minute projects. | |
18 | 同时治疗平足以给你脚弓更多的支撑,同时可以让你紧张的胫骨肌肉得到松弛。 | Also, follow the remedy for flat feet to give your arch a little extra support and ease the burden of your strained shin muscle. | |
19 | 完成翻译后,留下一点额外时间来审查文本。 | Leave a little extra time to review the text after having finished translating. | |
20 | 为N810这样的小型设备开发UI,需要在屏幕布局和用户交互方面多做一些考虑。 | Developing for a small form factor like the N810 requires a little extra thought when it comes to screen layout and user interaction. | |
21 | 为了加速和他在一起的高潮,可以在刚开始的时候花一点额外的时间先给自己一个高潮。 | To hasten your orgasms with a guy, first spend a little extra time giving yourself one. | |
22 | 为了确保能保持最佳状态,吞服维生素药丸获取一些额外的健康保险。 | To make sure you stay on top form, you gulp down a little extra health insurance, in the form of a vitamin pill. | |
23 | 我很喜欢它们融入于衣柜与墙壁的环境之中的感觉,而且帮我们省下了额外的储存空间。 | I like the way they blend into the wardrobes and the walls, and give us a little extra storage space. | |
24 | 我将很高兴买到特别的东西,即使它要额外多花点钱。 | A: I’ll be happy to get him something special, even if it costs a little extra . | |
25 | 新客户一般需要一点额外的动力来使他们作出最后决定。 | New clients often need a little extra motivation to get them to pull the trigger. | |
26 | 选举和电台不一样,印度也有别于美国,所以,对于这个问题,一些额外的调查研究可能会给你很大启发。 | An election is not a radio station, and India is not the US, so this is an area where a little extra research may tell you a great deal. | |
27 | 一点行距就可以大幅度地提高你文档的易读性。 | A little extra leading can sometimes dramatically improve the legibility of your text. | |
28 | 因此在我的AMS环境中,我决定给每个LPAR增加一些额外的逻辑内存,以便应付负载高峰。 | So in my AMS environment, I decided that I’d add a little extra logical memory to each LPAR, to cater for peaks in demand. | |
29 | 有时候,您只需付出一点额外的努力,去拨开那些嫉妒和政治偏见的乌云,将您伟大的思想呈现在人人都能看见的阳光之下。 | Sometimes it takes a little extra effort to push a great idea through the cloud of politics and jealousy into the light for everyone to see. | |
30 | 有些植物自身甜而美味,有些则需要一些呵护就能让人们赏心悦目。 | Some are sweet and yummy by themselves while others need a little extra love to make them enjoyable. |